Befitting tribute to the gurus...
"Stree Raama Nirikshanam" presented on 24th April 09 in Muscat, Oman by Nrityanjali, Oman

PRAMILA RAMESH, one of the dedicated disciples of the Dhananjayans presented a mega production in honour of her Gurus and celebrating the annual day of her Nrityanjali School of Naatya in Muscat, Oman.

In the presence of an enthusiastic over flowing crowd in the prestigious theater - THE OMAN AUDITORIUM, Al-Bustan Palace International, Muscat, Pramila presented almost 70 of her Bharatanaatyam students and took the audience through the Ramayana episodes, highlighting the women characters in the epic. Pramila displayed an uncompromising standard justifying the lineage of her Gurus, The Dhananjayans.

The presentation was very meticulous from start to finish and kudos to those wonderful children who did bring credit to their teacher Pramila, getting applauded by the stalwart Gurus in whose honour the mega event was held.

"Stree Rama Nirikshanam" was intended to showcase the fruit of labour that Pramila Ramesh has been so dedicatedly doing to promote Indian Art and culture. The community’s support to her was evident the way the whole event was conducted with professional perfection.

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